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Contact us about our operations

Sustainable Timber Tasmania would like to be known and respected as an organisation that listens to and genuinely engages with its stakeholders and the community.

Our people are involved in stakeholder engagement on a daily basis – actively engaging with customers, neighbours, other individuals and organisations, as well as the wider community.

While in many cases our engagement works well, we know that there is always room for improvement. We are therefore striving to build better relationships with people and organisations directly affected by, or with an interest in, our business.

If you would like to be kept informed of Sustainable Timber Tasmania’s planned operations in areas of interest to you, please register your interest as a stakeholder

Key activities and dates through the year:

Three Year Plan – mid-year

Every year, around July, we publish our Three Year Wood Production Plan. This lists the coupes we are expecting to harvest in the coming three years. You can register your interest to be kept informed about our planning relating to a particular coupe or coupes.  

Annual report - October

Every year we publish an Annual Report. This can be downloaded from our Publications page on our website.

Herbicide and insecticide spraying program announced – April and October

While we minimise the use of chemicals as much as possible, there are times when it is necessary to control infestations of pests and diseases. We publicise our program and encourage people to contact us with any concerns.  

Planned burning program – March–June and Sept–October

We run a planned burning program as bushfire risk mitigation to reduce fuel in our forests and also after harvest where it is the most effective method to regenerate particular types of forest.  We distribute burn advisories daily to media outlets and interested organisations. Contact us if you would like to receive the burn advisories.  

You can contact us at anytime by emailing our Engagement Team at:

Click here for Regional Contacts
