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Three Year Wood Production Plan

Three year wood production plan

Each year Sustainable Timber Tasmania prepares a Three Year Wood Production Plan to inform stakeholders of our intended planned operations on Permanent Timber Production Zone land over the next three years, and also to guide Sustainable Timber Tasmania’s more detailed operational planning and scheduling.

This Three Year Wood Production Plan identifies the particular coupes on Permanent Timber Production Zone land that Sustainable Timber Tasmania intends to harvest over the next three years and also our proposed road building to enable harvest and delivery of forest products to customers.

The plan lists coupe names, coupe area in hectares, easting and northing coordinates, proposed harvesting, proposed harvest method, proposed future use, and the anticipated volumes of log products expected to be recovered from these coupes.

To view the list of coupes for each region within the Three Year Wood Production Plan, click on the relevant region on the related content section on the right.

Interactive Map Viewer

To make it easy for stakeholders to identify the locations of planned coupes that may be of interest to them, an interactive map is available. Stakeholders can use this map to zoom in on their area of interest, identify coupes that may be of interest and then click on those coupes to identify various attributes including planned harvest year and method.

Forest Practice Plans for individual coupes can be made available upon request once certified.

Register Your Interest

Sustainable Timber Tasmania welcomes stakeholder input to inform our detailed operational planning and decision making. In particular, we are keen to:

  • Identify if stakeholders have specific concerns in relation to proposed operations on any particular coupes and want to be informed about future operations on those coupes
  • Identify any issues that will need to be taken into account in our detailed planning and decision making related to specific coupes

Stakeholders wanting more information or wishing to register their interest in relation to any particular coupes are encouraged to contact our Engagement Team:

Phone: (03) 6169 2868
Engagement Team,
Sustainable Timber Tasmania
GPO Box 207,
Hobart, TAS 7001


The Three Year Plan provides initial estimates of harvest areas and wood volumes for each planned harvest coupe. As operational planning progresses and more details become available, the figures are revised.

As part of our efforts to increase protection for Swift Parrot habitat, this Three Year Plan focuses on coupes that are unlikely to contain significant Swift Parrot habitat. Where some coupes may contain significant habitat, our detailed operational planning will exclude this habitat from harvesting.

Please also note that occasionally it is necessary to include additional coupes in Sustainable Timber Tasmania’s harvest plan after the production of this Three Year Wood Production Plan. This only occurs where there are specific economic, social or environmental reasons for doing so. Advice of any such additional coupes will be provided on our website as soon as they are included.
