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Firewood Permits

To collect firewood from PTPZ for personal domestic use, you must have a current firewood permit from Sustainable Timber Tasmania.

Please note, Sustainable Timber Tasmania reserves the right to deny a firewood permit application if the applicant has been identified for engaging in illegal firewood collection or purchase.

Sustainable Timber Tasmania runs its annual planned burning program to regenerate the forest between March and June every year. This means that firewood collection areas could be burnt without notice.

Three different types of firewood permits are available to purchase, dependent on your needs.

  • Standard Permit:
    A standard permit is valid for 30 days. The permit costs $11.00, with an additional $5.50 per cubic metre you wish to collect. Please note the minimum number of cubic metres you can collect is 2.

  • Gatherers Permit (Standard):
    A gatherers permit is valid for 3 months. The permit costs $44.00, to allow for collection of up to 15 cubic metres of firewood. Please note the gatherers permit is only available between the months of November and April.

  • Gatherers Permit (Pensioners/Concession):
    A gatherers permit is valid for 3 months. The permit costs $33.00, to allow for collection of up to 15 cubic metres of firewood. Please note the gatherers permit is only available between the months of November and April.

If you have any questions, please contact your nearest Sustainable Timber Tasmania office.

Purchase Firewood Permit >