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Firewood Permits - FAQs

Please find below some frequently asked questions about Sustainable Timber Tasmania’s Firewood Permit application process. If you have any additional questions, please contact our Stakeholder Engagement Team by emailing or phoning your nearest STT regional office.

How do I get a firewood permit?
You can get a firewood permit from STT online via our website or by visiting your nearest STT regional office.

How do I get a firewood permit if I do not have access to online services?
You can still get a firewood permit from STT if you do not have access to online services. If you visit your nearest regional office during opening hours, our staff will assist you to obtain a firewood permit.

Where can I collect firewood?
STT identifies areas on Permanent Timber Production Zone (PTPZ) land available for public firewood collection.

These areas are coupes on PTPZ recently harvested. They contain some leftover wood on the coupe which is suitable for public firewood collection. STT identifies these areas based on locality, safety and environmental factors.

When you purchase a firewood permit from STT, you will be able to select up to two areas you would like to go to collect firewood.

Do I have to carry my firewood permit with me?
Yes, you are required to carry your firewood permit with you at all times when you are collecting firewood on PTPZ. You are required to present your current firewood permit to any law enforcement or forest officer upon request.

Can I cut down trees in my firewood collection area?
No, you cannot cut down trees in your assigned firewood collection area. A firewood permit from STT does not permit you to fell any standing tree (dead or alive). You may only cut fallen timber (wood which is already on the ground).

How much firewood can I collect?
You can only collect as much firewood as you have purchased your firewood permit for. If you purchased a standard firewood permit for 2 cubic metres, you may only collect 2 cubic metres of firewood from your assigned firewood collection area.

STT permits any customer to collect up to 30 cubic metres of firewood from PTPZ land per 12-month period. This entitles you to multiple standard permits or 2 gatherers permits (15 cubic metres). If you have had 2 gatherers permits within a 6-month period, you will not be permitted to obtain another firewood permit from STT for another 6 months, as you have collected 30 cubic metres of firewood in less than a 12 month period.

Why are firewood permit collection areas closed after a certain period of time?
Firewood permit collection areas are made available after harvesting and can be close after a period of time by STT for two main reasons:

  • The area has insufficient fallen timber for firewood collection; or
  • The area is going to be burned as part of STT’s Planned Burning Program to regenerate the forest.

Why is a gatherers permit only seasonally available?
Gatherers permits are available in spring and summer (November to April). This is to allow customers to collect up to 15 cubic metres of firewood for a 3-month period. This is an optimal time for firewood collection as weather conditions are favourable and fallen timber is dry and burns as better firewood.

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